Scientists Live: Matt Lamanna
October 4, 2018, 10:30 am - 11:00 am
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Assistant Curator and Head of Vertebrate Paleontology Dr. Matt Lamanna will broadcast on Facebook Live to share details of his upcoming research trip to Croatia. Discovered in the 1990s, the site of Kolone/Porto Colonne on the coast of Istria, Croatia preserves ~130-million-year-old dinosaur bones in shallow water on the bed of the Adriatic Sea. During the time these dinosaurs were alive, this area of Croatia was part of a large island or long peninsula in the middle of an ancient ocean. Despite its probable significance, the site has never been systematically explored by paleontologists. Lamanna and a team of Croatian, Italian, and US paleontologists, geologists, and scientific divers will conduct a five-day underwater reconnaissance of Kolone/Porto Colonne from October 8–13, to discover additional fossils, map the site in detail, and form a comprehensive plan for future research.
The broadcast will begin at 10:30 a.m. and will include a question and answer segment.
Tune in at facebook.com/carnegiemnh. A recording will be posted later for those unable to watch live.