Image Usage Information
Family: Succineidae
Common name: Oval Ambersnail
Discovery: Say, 1817
Height: 14.2-16.5 mm
Width: 9-11 mm
Whorls: 2+
Novisuccinea ovalis is a medium-sized snail with a transparent, glossy yellow shell. The fragile shell has a relatively low spire and an oval aperture about two-thirds the height of the entire shell. The animal is pale with dark upper antennae. There are several look-alike members of its family, but it tends to be large and has more rounded whorls than its congeners.
Novisuccinea ovalis can be found among herbaceous plants along ditches, streams or rivers, but also in hillside woods, sometimes hundreds of meters from water. It typically occurs in moderate to low numbers. It is the most upland-dwelling species in the Family Succineidae.
Novisuccinea ovalis has also been known as: Helix (Cochlohydra) ovalis, H. (C.) putris, Succinea campestris, S. obliqua, S. totteniana, S. ovalis, and S. ovatis.
This species is found throughout the eastern and Midwestern states and provinces, but also a bit further south along the Mississippi and Appalachian Mountains. It is found in the western Virginia mountains.
NatureServe Global Rank: G5, Secure